The Hair Loss Journey

You look fine but the hairline is receding
It might be a problem, and it might not

Time to take action
Simple options are available

Options are very limited
But, there are great options

Stages 1-3

Hair Loss - Stages 1-3

If your hair situation sounds like one of the three definitions below, you are in the right spot. Below the description are the best solution for you to consider.
I also strongly suggest you join some forums or FB groups.
See our article Finding a Community for Your Hair Loss Journey

Stage 1 - This is a slight loss of hair at the temples. There is a natural transition from a "Juvenile" hairline to an "Adult" hairline. So don't mistake that transition as the beginning of you going bald. You might stay there the rest of your life. After all, male pattern baldness affects about 1 of every 2 males in the U.S. so it's possible you're that lucky second guy.

Stage 2 - This is more hair loss at the temples. Again, it might not be a sign of things to come (or go in this case).

Stage 3 - More loss at the temples but also a general moving back of the hairline. You might or might not feel a thinning at the back, or crown, of the head.

Solutions to consider:

* A hair transplant might be an option to consider. If you are under the age of 25, your natural hair loss could still be progressing and you should wait to see if the hairline continues to thin and move back. If you are young and get a hair transplant, you will likely need to go back and have it done again to fill in the gaps. Talking to several hair transplant specialists is highly recommended.

Stages 4-6

Hair Loss - Stages 4-6

If your hair situation sounds like the definition below, you are in the right spot. Below the description are the best solutions for you to consider. This is also a good time to consult with a medical profession to discuss your situation.
See our article Finding Help with Hair Loss

"Hair loss at the temples but also a general moving back of the hairline. You might or might not feel a thinning at the back, or crown, of the head." 

Depending on the severity of hairloss, and your age, most hair loss solutions can be considered. The solution listed below are in order of ease of implementation (and can be stopped or undone).

These last two are solutions that cannot be undone.

Stages 7 & Up

Hair Loss - Stages 7 & Up

No significant, or visible, amount of hair on top or front of the head.

At this stage, these are the solutions available to you:

* It's unlikely you are a candidate for a hair transplant but it doesn't hurt to get some opinions. Contact several highly rated dermatologists who specialize in hair transplants.