I knew this day would come. Actually, the day arrived long ago but I ignored it. My hairline has fallen in love with my bald spot and they are moving in together.

I'd never hoped or aimed for this, but it's nonetheless my situation. Now my choices are to be full of angst about it, try in vain to ignore it, or find a way to work with it rather than against it.

I've decided to find a way to work with it, but what does that even mean? Where does a person find information and (hopefully) assistance about something considered so taboo and shameful in today's society?

I started the process by doing a search on "receding hair haircuts”. Up popped photo after photo of handsome movie stars with full heads of hair. "That's NOT receding hair!" I would scream (internally). I started to feel I'd stumbled upon some elaborate attempt to shame balding men.

Craig Madden

About Me

I came across the picture above on a page titled "10 Best Haircuts for a Receding Hairline". After screaming “WTF????”, I realized I needed to adjust my definition of "receding hairline".

After a lot of trial and error and frustration, I got closer to what I was looking for with the phrase “balding hairstyles”. Jason Statham is a movie star, but at least he has a hairline I can relate to. Same for Bruce Willis. These men saw the direction things were going and made the look work FOR them.

In my searching, I started to find communities of guys who were at all levels of hair loss and looking for solutions. And it was here that I discovered a (near)hidden world of hair transplants, scalp micropigmentation, minoxidil, toupees and shaved heads.

Which of these choices is best for me? For you? I'm on a path to find out. It's perhaps not a hero's journey, but it's a journey nonetheless.

I’m creating this website for you as well as me, my balding friend. Together we can find a way to come to peace regarding the state of our hair loss (or if it's not too late, to take action to stop the retreat). If you would like to join me on my journey, please sign up for my newsletter below.

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